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Description: 一个用c写的机遇MPI的并行程序,程序实现了求积分的功能-with a c MPI the opportunity to write parallel programs, procedures for the realization of the functional integration
Platform: | Size: 390144 | Author: 川川 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringbingxingchengxu

Description: 发表在《小型微型计算机系统》上的文章,文章名:一个并行程序集成开发环境的功能框架及实现中的关键技术。从程序员开发并行程序的角度提出了一个并行程序集成环境的功能框架,并讨论了实现中的一些关键问题。对于从事于并行程序开发或MPI领域的同行有借鉴之处。-Published in the mini-micro computer system on the article name: a parallel programming integrated development environment framework and the realization of the function of key technologies. Programmers to develop parallel programs from the perspective of a parallel programming environment, integrated functional framework and discussed the realization of some of the key issues. Engaged in the parallel program for the development or the area of peer-MPI have lessons.
Platform: | Size: 229376 | Author: 邵慧超 | Hits:


Description: 书中第一部分简单介绍了并行程序设计的基本知识;然后在第二部分介绍基本的MPI并行程序设计方法,它虽然基本,但是却非常重要,因为通过这部分介绍的功能,可以实现几乎所有的通信功能;第三部分是在第二部分的基础上,介绍高级、复杂的MPI并行程序设计,使用高级的MPI调用可以提高并行程序的通用性和移植性,对提高并行程序的开发效率、可读性以及并行程序的执行效率等都有好处;最后一部分介绍MPI的最新扩展MPI-2,着重对动态进程管理、远程存储访问和并行I/O进行了讲解。-The book first section briefly describes the basic knowledge of parallel programming and then in the second section describes the basic design of MPI parallel programming method, which although essential, but it is very important, because through this section describes the functions, you can achieve almost all of the communication function The third part is the second part of the basis, introducing high-level, complex MPI parallel programming, the use of high-level parallel programming MPI calls can increase the versatility and portability of parallel programs to improve development efficiency can be Reading sex, as well as the efficiency of parallel implementation of the procedures and so good last part of the MPI introduced the latest expansion of MPI-2, focused on dynamic process management, remote memory access and parallel I/O was explained.
Platform: | Size: 825344 | Author: 劳炽元 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: sathiya | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMPI_HALLO_WORD

Description: Using MPI in .net application. Message Passing Interface (MPI) is an API specification that allows processes to communicate with one another by sending and receiving messages. It is typically used for parallel programs running on computer clusters and supercomputers, where the cost of accessing non-local memory is high. MPI was created by William Gropp, Ewing Lusk and others.
Platform: | Size: 444416 | Author: Artem M | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsMatrix-multiplication

Description: 基于MPI并行程序的任意矩阵矩阵相乘,其中由主程序负责矩阵的输入输出,在本程序中便于测试默认一个矩阵。-MPI parallel programs based on an arbitrary matrix matrix multiplication, which is responsible for the main input and output matrices, in this process easy to test the default of a matrix.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Aleny | Hits:


Description: Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a standardized and portable message-passing system designed by a group of researchers from academia and industry to function on a wide variety of parallel computers. The standard defines the syntax and semantics of a core of library routines useful to a wide range of users writing portable message-passing programs in Fortran or the C programming language
Platform: | Size: 3196928 | Author: STUDENT1010 | Hits:

[Program docmpi

Description: 本章给出了并行计算机的基本划分方法和与之相关的体系结构是宏观的总体的论述而 不是具体的细节这主要是考虑到读者是并行程序设计人员而不是并行机的设计与开发人员对并行机有一个总体上的了解可以帮助编程者设计出更高效的并行程序-This chapter presents the basic division method and associated parallel computer architecture is the overall macro discourse rather than specific details in this audience is mainly on account of staff instead of parallel programming parallel machines parallel design and development staff machine has a general understanding can help programmers to design more efficient parallel programs
Platform: | Size: 825344 | Author: soso | Hits:


Description: CurveLab is a collection of Matlab and C++ programs to compute fast discrete curvelet transform in two and three dimensions. The 2d software includes the implementations of two algorithms: the transform using wrapping and the one using unequally-spaced fast fourier transform (USFFT). The 3d software includes the in-core, out-core and MPI-based parallel implementation of the 3d algorithm. To install the package, see curvelab.pdf. Contacts: curvelab@curvelet.org www.curvelet.org
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: henry | Hits:


Description: 压缩包里包含几个用C编写的并行代码,运行无误。其中包括,电路满足性的MP程序,floyd算法MPI代码,Sieve_Eratoshenes筛法MPI代码,矩阵相乘的MPI代码以及计算PI值的OpenMP代码。-Which contains several parallel programs written in C to run correctly. Among them, including Floyd algorithm procedures, matrix multiplication MPI program, Eratosthenes sieve method MPI program, to meet the circuit of PMI program and to calculate the value of PI OpenMP program.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 刘建凯 | Hits:

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